
Mira Carboni (Doughty)
Chartered Accountant

With a Bachelor of Economics majoring in Economics and Accounting from UNSW with Merit, and 27 years of experience in small, medium and large accounting firms including working for the number one insolvency firm, Mira has a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in this field. She specialises in business services and is a tax agent and holds a SMSF auditor licence with ASIC. Mira also holds a public practice certificate. Mira used to facilitated the Chartered Accountants program with the Institute of Chartered Accountants for 5 years including taxation and accounting modules.

Andrew Doughty – Manager
Chartered Accountant

With a Bachelor of Business from QUT and 28 years experience in firms of various sizes, including a leading International Firm, Andrew brings substantial taxation and business services experience which can assist clients with their business needs. He has also completed a Master of Laws from UTS. This legal experience and depth of knowledge means he is able to provide valuable technical knowledge to the firm and its clients.

Raphael Carboni
IT Support

With 19 years experience with a major telecommunications provider and in top retail companies, Raphael brings outstanding IT knowledge to the Firm. Raphael has completed courses in IT and web design and he excels in this field. Raphael is currently working for the top company in telecommunications.